Pantry Check!
I have done the rounds in supermarkets and find Unimart Greenhills to be tops. I like the fact that they’re well stocked (which is something I cannot say for Rustan’s). They also have a sterling selection of PX goods which always gets me to stray from my weekly grocery list. It’s amazing what one can pick up in Unimart. Just this weekend I was able to find flower pots and back issues of Real Simple.
I like getting lost in the supermarket, taking the longest time comparing prices, hunting for new products, etc. It drives Christian nuts – he claims I take the longest time shopping, be it for clothes or groceries.
Here’s Blair Mitch’s list of noteworthy finds that definitely merit space in the pantry:

As you can see, I already halfway consumed the contents of this bottle...
Saranggani Bay Spicy Milkfish in Oil, Php 109.00
I used to be a devotee of the Zaragoza brand but find the sardines always crumbled and damn small. And since I have this maddening habit of removing the skin, it leaves me with very little fish and a lot of frustration. The Milkfish in Saranggani Bay is fat and juicy. It’s also not too salty-spicy. I like eating this for breakfast with garlic fried rice.

Pfanner Gruner Apple or Grapefruit, Php 120.75
I like Del Monte Orange (yippee, free plug for hubby’s brand) but since they don’t have Apple or Grapefruit flavors, I also go for Pfanner. It’s reasonably priced (120 pesos nets you 2 liters) and tastes way better than the others. On the Powdered Category I find Eight O'Clock Lemonade quite addicting.

Purefoods Corned Beef with Hot and Spicy Jalapeno, Php 30.43
Okay, my brand of choice is really Palm Corned Beef. But I find this new Purefoods Jalapeno worthy enough to try. It’s great with toasted bread and sharp cheddar cheese. A note though on processed food loaded with sodium nitrate: please consume in moderation. It’s evil stuff, really.

Reese’s Swoops, Php 126.00
I love ‘em nasty peanut butter chocolate cups and now they come in irresistible slices of peanut chocolate candy, just like potato chips. Heaven help me.

Hershey’s Shell, Php 130-139 – I forget, but somewhere in this range…
Good friend Tricia introduced me to this one and it’s absolutely fantastic. If you’re a Vanilla ice cream fan like me and Christian, you gotta try this. Shake the bottle a bit, pour and watch the chocolate sauce freeze in seconds! And when served in waffle cones, it's a perfectly messy, sticky, yummy dessert.
Does anyone out there have any pantry finds? Share, share please!
Hope you guys had a Merry Christmas. Too much eating happened over the holidays and my hubby is swearing off rice and carbs for now.
Kisses and Hugs from Blair Mitch, Hubby and baby!